Treverne Henry started her musical development by taking private piano lessons, at that tender age of four. Treverne however did not share her mother’s enthusiasm and indicated her preference for learning a string instrument which lead her parents to Mr. Listhrop. She then became a member of the St. Augustine Chamber Orchestra (SACO) and never missed a workshop always excited and ready to learn. After passing her practical music exams in grade four, Mr. Listhrop became Treverne’s music teacher. Coming from Couva, coupled with her busy schedule, Treverne was always accommodated by Mr. Listhrop. He was very flexible, dedicated and generous; qualities that were greatly appreciated. Mr. Listhrop became one of Treverne’s role models. She would practice her passage whenever she got it wrong, until it was corrected. This was just to return to play it for Mr. Listhrop, because of how much she respected her teacher.
Treverne participated in several music competitions, the most renowned being ‘The World Championships of Performing Arts’ in Hollywood, Los Angeles, USA. Mr. Listhrop selected her pieces and prepared her for the series of pre-competitions which led to the final completion in USA. She came back home with a silver medal overall in her category. Additionally, she performs in her Church Band, as the only violinist.
Treverne is a grade 6 theory student as well as a grade eight violinist. Mr. Listhrop as well as the orchestra (her fellow players), have impacted Treverne’s life tremendously. Being part of the SACO family created the opportunities and support she needed to excel at what she loves best.
Concert Mistress Dec. 2014 - 2019
I have been a part of this orchestra for quite some time (since the age of 7 years) – long enough to see it change from just strings to a full symphony orchestra. Most outsiders would see it as an orchestra but the performers themselves see it as a home. SACO/TTYP has played a very important role in my life both as something to do in my spare time and for exposing me to the world of music. I have learnt patience, structure and most of all dedication, not only to apply to the world of music but to my daily life as well. This orchestra has acted as a great stress reliever helping me to manage the heavy daily demands of schoolwork and has given me guidance in times where I needed it most. It has provided me with an environment to express myself and to meet new people but most importantly, SACO/TTYP has taught me about the importance of balance and that through hard work, anything is possible.
Marc Harroo - SACO/TTYP Concert Master 2012 -

I, Maia Meiguel joined St Augustine Chamber Orchestra in 2009. It was the day I went to collect my report card at Bishop Anstey High School East. After I arrived I remembered that there was an event going on in school and it was music related. I also remembered that my friend Marie Guiseppi was attending this "event". I proceeded on to look for her, seeing familiar faces as I walked down the hallway. After finding her, along with another friend she asked "Maia, why don't you join SACO?" I replied "let me ask my Moms", as she was waiting for me outside. I did ask my mother and she said “Yes.” I had absolutely no idea what I was joining; all I knew was that it was music related and that I wanted to experience the passion in the arts.
After getting my mother's consent Marie guided me to SACO’s office where I met Mr. Kenneth Listhrop, the Founder and Music Director himself! He was elated to find out that I was joining the orchestra. He immediately asked me "What instrument would you like to play?" - I was too excited and couldn't decide. The list narrowed down to clarinet and double bass. I picked clarinet but to my dismay the clarinets were not currently available. So, for the time being, I decided to go with the double bass. When I picked double bass, I didn't foresee the experience that was headed my way!
Meeting the Venezuelan tutor at the music workshop was an interesting experience and he immediately and diligently set out to work with me. It was a task to carry my double bass home every day to practice. My mother kept asking, "Maia, what kind of situation you get yourself into?" Unfortunately, I did not get to participate in their annual workshop concert due to unforeseen events. However, that did not stop the journey I began with SACO / TTYP.
Thereafter, I changed to clarinet and prepared for the upcoming Christmas concert. I spent many, many long evenings with Mr. Listhrop practicing my pieces with my new clarinet. I would never forget my first piece was “Pirates of the Caribbean.” That piece seems impossible to conquer, but now, it is so easy.
Mr. Listhrop taught me that anything is possible. Parents usually tell their children - Practice makes perfect - truly in SACO/ TTYP you can see ones growth and potential to conquer any piece with practice.
Maia Meiguel - SACO/TTYP Principal Clarinetist

As a student of St. George’s College I was introduced to SACO/TTYP by Mr Sameer Alladin; a past student of the college and the Asst. Music Director of the orchestra. He extended an invitation to the music students. At first I was reluctant, because I was very comfortable playing the steelpan and really was not interested in learning another instrument. I eventually gave in to some advice, which only now makes much sense to me; and joined the orchestra.
Of the instruments offered, I chose to learn to play the trumpet. I knew nothing about it and Mr Philo Neptune became my first tutor, and with his guidance and the undying support of Mr Kenneth Listhrop, I was able to sit and pass grades three and five examinations, in a short space of time.
SACO/TTYP presented a lot of struggles but as Mr Listhrop would always say “Play and Struggle!” and this I did. I was promoted to the advanced orchestra in less than three months and with that came a lot of commitment and yes, the “struggles”. There were many challenges where I would sometimes not be able to play my parts effectively, and Mr Listhrop and members of the orchestra whom I have grown to love and respect, encouraged me; convinced me that I could, and complimented me when I did. I gained the respect of becoming Principal trumpeter, but the struggle continues, as to be at ones best, hard work must be considered, and as a musician the practice never ends.
I have had the struggle of balancing my school work with orchestral duties, especially when we had to prepare for concerts. I was usually so tired that all I wanted to do was go to sleep, but my love for music and the fact that in my opinion, music without a sound education does not equate to a very bright future, I kept up the struggle.
I will recommend SACO/TTYP to anyone, knowing that what happens here helps you to become a part of life’s learning experiences. It has assisted in deterring young persons from engaging in deviant behaviours, thus providing an avenue to keep them engaged, while honing their musical skills. It has taught me to be open minded, patient and respectful of others and without a doubt it continues to challenge the tenets of my understanding and approach to becoming the best musician I can be, but with the encouragement and support I continue to get, I am now better prepared for that challenge. I have no qualms of ever becoming a member of SACO/TTYP.
Raenelle-Lee Harris - SACO/TTYP Principal Trumpeter

Joining SACO/TTYP in 2009 gave me a whole new perspective on life. I started on the violin, thinking that I was learning everything there was to music, but boy was I wrong. A year or so after my time on the violin, I was called up to play the timpani together with many other percussion instruments. This is where our theory exams turned completely practical. Switching from a treble clef instrument to a bass clef instrument really broadened my view on music. I began to appreciate the masterpieces we carefully took time to perfect and even other genre of music such as rap, jazz and reggae. I believe that playing music is an excellent way of expressing oneself and also opening the mind to greater things. Being in this orchestra has helped me develop patience for a lot of things as music promotes discipline and determination. It pushes you to achieve things that you thought you may not have been able to. In SACO/TTYP, I have formed many friendships that grow every day. This orchestra is really like a family to most as it helps you to grow in ways you never imagined. I believe that everyone should have the opportunity to learn music like we have. It is such a blessing and in each of us, there is the ability to be great musicians.
Medinah Belgrave - SACO/TTYP Timpanist